Lightbox Commissions

The One Thoresby Street Lightbox occupies a conspicuous position on a busy junction between Pennyfoot and Manvers streets; acting as a mirror and message board for the economic and social development of an area on the outskirts of Nottingham city centre.

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Thoresby Street Thursdays

Thoresby Street Thursdays was a series of diverse, experimental, energetic, confrontational short exhibitions to profile the exciting work being produced by all of our then current studio members running from the beginning of March to the end of August.

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AGM was a curatorial project with some of the inbuilt features of a parasite.

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Sideshow Exhibition

During Sideshow 2010, One Thoresby Street hosted a series of week long exhibitions and events to support the development of its studio artists.

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Keep Floors and Passages Clear

Keep Floors and Passages Clear was a two year project that involved the commissioning of A1 size artworks in response to a found RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) poster in the foyer at One Thoresby Street.

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LAB was a creative and open space for experimentation, exchange and critical play between artists, producers, curators, hackers, makers, bakers, designers and musicians.

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